WritingABook Wiki

Epiphany: The oldest person in their group and the most responsible, cool and poised even in the midst of a storm. Serendipity's childhood best friend and Eternity's boyfriend. He's like a brother figure to Euphoria, most of the time the calmest of the four. He is calm, wise and selfless, he's quiet but when it counts, he is the most level-headed of them all.

Eternity: The caring one of their group. She often finds herself stuck in the middle of arguments, not knowing what to do. She loves baking and can be found siting by the fire place listening to music. Euphoria's cousin and Epiphany's girlfriend. She and Serendipity bond over their love for music, often teasing the other two for stressing out about a minor test. She is bold, skilled and determined, often getting her way when she wants something.

Serendipity: The closest person to Euphoria and Epiphany's childhood best friend. He is willing to do anything in the world for those he loves and can often be found writing lyrics to songs during rainy days with a cup of hot chocolate sitting next to him. He is cunning, determined and loyal, often being able to put himself in the shoes of others, leading him to understand even the most complicated of emotions.

Euphoria: The youngest of the group. Though coming into the world last, she's been through more then most people have in a lifetime, from being alone when she was a kid to not being able to feel anything but pain and heartbreak during Serendipity's accident. Eternity's cousin and a younger sister figure to Epiphany, she is brilliant, brave and broken. Writing letters to Serendipity was her scape from the world during the accident, filling those empty days with words and wishes. She can be found staring at the stars during lonely nights, talking to them about her troubles and pains.

The First Letter to Epiphany, from Eternity

The Second Letter to Serendipity, from Euphoria

The Third Letter to Eternity, from Epiphany

The Fourth Letter to Euphoria, from Serendipity

The Fifth Letter to Epiphany, from Eternity

The Sixth Letter to Serendipity, from Euphoria

The Seventh Letter to Eternity, from Epiphany

The Eighth Letter to Euphoria, from Serendipity

The Ninth Letter to Epiphany, from Eternity

The Tenth Letter to Serendipity, from Euphoria

The Eleventh Letter to Eternity, from Epiphany

The Twelfth Letter to Euphoria, from Serendipity

The Thirteenth Letter to Epiphany, from Eternity

The Fourteenth Letter to Serendipity, from Euphoria

The Fifteenth Letter to Eternity, from Epiphany

The Sixteenth Letter to Euphoria, from Serendipity

